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Owner: Reece
Contact: Email
Opened: March 2008
Layout by Reece

We are in no way affiliated with Elisabeth Rohm, NBC, or anything else.  All graphics are created by Reece unless otherwise stated, and nothing is gained from the production of this site. It is simply a fansite created by fans for other fans.
Elisabeth Rohm Gallery



Exclusive Interview for Elisabeth Rohm Gallery - January 2011


1) There's a new Law & Order, would you return?

Elisabeth Rohm: Would love to, especially because my characters sexual orientation was never really explained. I would love to come back and do that.

2) You were on Heroes but had no Super Power, if you could have one what would it be?

ER: To read peoples minds. Although I'd probably hate to hear what they're thinking, but at least I'd have clarity.

3) What role from the past would you like to have. I see you opposite Jimmy Stewart.

ER: That's so funny because I would absolutely love to be one of Hitchcock's leading ladies opposite Jimmy Stewart!

4) Are you still working with The Red Cross? Other charities?

ER: Yes, I am still working with The Red Cross, I'm now very involved with the Go Red campaign.

5) I read an article that you lost weight after Easton. Do you go to the gym? What's your workout routine?

ER: I'm inherently a lazy person and I have a short attention span. Circuit training is really perfect for me because you do cardio for one minute and weight lift for one minute, alternating for forty-five minutes. Then sit ups for fifteen minutes and then you're done with the workout. The short intervals help me get through it.

6) You recently shot Abduction with a bunch of stars. Do you ever get star struck?

ER: I have always been a huge fan of John Singleton. It was a dream come true to work for him. I still get very excited to meet someone like Sigourney Weaver whom I've admired for a really long time.

7) What have been your challenges as a Mom with Easton?

ER: I am currently writing a blog for People Magazine on People.com about motherhood. Every day I am battling challenges and I turn to my friends who are moms, as well as my readers and most especially my mom and aunties.

8) One question you wish you have been asked?

ER: Not that there are questions I haven't been asked, I just have a desire to communicate with my fans. I'm open and will answer anything my fans ask.

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